Thank you.
I’ll be in touch as soon as possible.
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The Blog
I Held a Retreat!
I created a retreat (and made it happen all within three weeks) I didn’t go on a course or follow a plan but if you’d like to know how I did it here you go! This is how it started: I had a compulsion to create a space for women to just be for a day. It was imperative...
My Personal Case Study
I am currently asking my lovely clients if they would like to be a case study for future clients to get an idea of the value my work offers to them. The other day Facebook popped up a photo memory from 15 years ago! It was of a skier from when I worked with XBox at...
I’m a #1 Best Selling Author!
On the 3rd December, I became a published author! Ok, so I haven’t written a whole book…I have written a chapter along with 20 amazing women, all telling their own unique stories on how they have become the women they are today. This has been a tough project for me to...