Remote Shooting

Jan 26, 2021 | Uncategorized

I Had a Photoshoot at the Weekend!

We are still in lockdown (#3) and along with pretty much all photographers work has come to a bit of a standstill.

However, towards the end of last week, I saw a post by a fellow photographer, who I worked with many moons ago at a studio, about remote shoots. This got me really excited and I got in touch to ask if we could do one together.

Firstly, it was really great to chat with someone other than my immediate family and then secondly to chat with an old friend, such a refreshing change from the new normal.

Then Natalia introduced me to the remote shoot and we went from there. The shoot was not that different from an on-location shoot, the only difference being that the model (in this case, me!) can’t see the photographer and has to trust the direction from their voice. Once I’d had my shoot we swapped over and it was my turn to be the photographer instead of the model. I have to say this was my preferred role, although I didn’t mind being slightly posey for the back of my smartphone.

The tricky part of remote shooting is having to put the responsibility on your model/client to create space, position the smartphone and find good areas for poses. A crucial part of a shoot is good light, so we settled for shooting near natural daylight – the window! The results were really great and this image is one of my favourites.

If you are in need of new headshots/branding images for your business then get in touch, lockdown and working from home is now no barrier to creating a new image library for your creative needs.

I have a few shoots at the Beta price, get in touch to book one whilst they’re still available.


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