Mobile Phone Photoshoots!

Apr 9, 2021 | Uncategorized

Can you believe this shot is from a mobile phone taken remotely by me?

Sophie needed to build a portfolio of images for her new business but Covid restrictions meant an in-real-life photoshoot wasn’t possible. However, the power of technology and wifi proved Covid was no barrier to accomplishing Sophie’s wishes.

My approach to working with women who want to get visible is all about the preparation, planning and understanding of what their images will be for. Getting in front of the camera is scary at the best of times, never mind trusting the photographer with your own mobile phone and only hearing their voice for direction!

The groundwork leading up to the shoot is crucial in building that trust and this is what I love working through with my clients. Creating an empowering and fun shoot is the icing on the cake, with the results being the proof of the pudding (as it were!)

Sophie took the plunge and went with this new and innovative way of having a personal branding photoshoot and even though we were not able to work in person the remote shoot was a huge success, giving Sophie a quick turn around of images ready to use to grow the visibility of her marketing business.


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