What’s holding you back from getting visible?

Sep 9, 2021 | Uncategorized

This is an acting headshot taken by a friend back in the day, and I can see in my eyes that I was ok with it.

I also remember the feeling of utter terror when I had my first headshot Photoshoot.

Why did I feel scared? Photography was a very male dominant industry then and all of the equipment that goes with a shoot felt very ‘masculine’, intrusive and overwhelming. I felt very small and also as though the shoot was about the photographer and not me!

I felt vulnerable, exposed, self-conscious and awkward. My palms got sweaty and I felt hugely intimidated.

So I get why it is scary to be in front of the camera and that is exactly why my mission is all about empowering the person in front of the lens and not behind it.

I would love to know how you have experienced being in front of a camera. Has it been empowering, intimidating, or something completely different?


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